Montjuic occupies a central and peripheral place at the same time. The mountain appears as an anomalous space in Barcelona, an unexpected orographic accident. In the mountain-park, a past of quarries has altered its orography and draws attention. When the quarries were closed, the space was occupied by self-built shanty settlements. Despite their removal, and an extraordinary concentration of institutional spaces, museums, theaters, gardens, and sports facilities, the mountain retains some of the improvisation and spontaneity that characterized it in the past. Montjuic still shows latent features of self-construction activity, it still provides shelter for homeless people, and it still hosts a few settlements. The mountain presents itself as a park, a vast urban leisure space, but within it lies another unknown life. It is this tension between two worlds: the order represented by the presence of institutions, organized and monumental, which has sometimes sought to express economic and political power, and the resistance, hidden in the folds of the mountain, of the spontaneous, disordered, indomitable and dark city, that makes it a suggestive place. Story_Line gathers images of the heterogeneity that inhabits it.