La pelea/El baile consists of several images arranged in the form of text, with pauses and points. A character / actor unfolds becoming two to try to dance with himself. The action that is developed by the old method of double exposure, has its own space that is the image, but to make it possible it must be done in a real physical space. In this way the continuous attempt to dance, made in two separate times but that coincide in the same photograph, becomes indiscriminately fight and dance. But in addition, the image has the capacity to make new actions break out, to bring out of nowhere another “imaginary” reality, which comes, at times, to deflect the thread of the narrative; this is how, as if detached from the image, a whole sample of misterious attitudes and ambiguous relationships of the unfolding figure appears.
La pelea/El baile se compone de varias imágenes ordenadas en forma de texto, con pausas y puntos. Un personaje/actor se desdobla convirtiéndose en dos para tratar de bailar consigo mismo. La acción que se desarrolla por el viejo método de la doble exposición, tiene un espacio propio que es la imagen, pero para hacerla posible debe realizarse en un espacio físico real. De este modo el intento continuado de bailar, realizado en dos tiempos separados pero que coinciden en la misma fotografía, deviene indistintamente pelea y baile. Pero además la imagen tiene la capacidad de hacer irrumpir acciones nuevas, de hacer surgir de la nada otra realidad “imaginaria”, que viene, por momentos, a desviar el hilo de la narración; así aparecen, como desprendidos de la imagen, todo un muestrario de actitudes y relaciones posibles de la figura desdoblada.
69 b/n photographs on Baryta paper, 1997. 40 x 50 cm. c/u.
There are several versions of the work: one with 69 photographs of 40 x 50 cm. c/u, another, the Frankfurt version, also with 69 photographs but 48 x 30 cm. each one and tacked to selenium and the loop version composed of 11 photographs of 40 x 50 cm. each one, in addition to a diptych and a preparatory triptych.